When the chips are down - Global chip shortage

Nov 2022

When was the last time that you upgraded or even updated your IT infastructure, systems or machinery?

If it was during the recent coronavirus pandemic your systems are most likely running at a good level. However, if it’s anytime pre-pandemic, you probably want to be having a big think about potentially making some changes and making them soon.

As with any product, maybe more than most, IT infrastructure performance reduces over time. In addition, what was once the fastest and most secure system around when you bought it, might not even be in the top 5 products now.

You see, because the technological advancements that have and will continue to be made are so good, products soon fall down the pecking order with better, faster ones taking their place.

As a general rule, you should be continually reviewing how well your infrastructure is working but we would suggest evaluating your infrastructure and machinery every year.

That may seem more frequent than you’d like, but how important is IT to your success as a business? W ould you be able to cope with downtime or a data breach due to poor cyber defences?

Having the right infastructure and machines in place, and then having them regularly reviewed, will not only help futureproof your business, but they will also lead to:

  • Improved general speeds and performance
  • Better security from cybercriminals
  • Minimal downtime, more productivity
  • Less hassle for you and your team

However, if you’re looking to make wholesale changes to your systems or machinery, we need to make you aware of the global chip shortage that has been ongoing for some time now and shows no signs of letting up.

The chip shortage is hitting all sectors, from automotive to household appliances and has been caused by the demand during the pandemic, the extreme weather we saw this summer and even the war in Ukraine.  It’s a ‘perfect storm’ but one we are all having to weather.

The impact of this is massive, especially if you’re making the call to replace your laptops, printers, mobile phones rather than your underpinning infrastructures.

In real terms, this means that if you’re trying to buy any of the above, you’re maybe going to struggle and, if you are lucky to get an order in, you could be waiting a very long time.

So why are we telling you to be making changes if you can’t upgrade or update your machinery?

Well, there are many other changes that you can implement to your IT infrastructure now that will make a huge difference to your overall IT performance, efficiency and security that don’t require a new device.

Essentially, the key to all of this is being organised, planning ahead and not leaving everything to the last minute. Make sure that you are embedding your IT upgrades and updates into your business processes.

By having a structured plan, you will be able to stagger your investment in IT, freeing up some well needed cash during these tricky times without compromising your IT performance and security.

Taking this sort of proactive approach to upgrading and maintaining your IT will help you maximise your investment.

At Affinity, we are here to help you with your plan and its implementation should you require.

Our expert team will be able to pinpoint the exact changes you need to make to improve performance, when you need to make them and, advise when you need to place orders.

Best of all, we are currently offering free IT infrastructure reviews to businesses of all shapes and sizes. From businesses with in-house IT departments to those looking to outsource everything, we can help.

Get in touch with us today and one of our expert team will give you a call to discuss next steps.

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